• DATES: 29/08/2024 – 02/09/2024



  • PRICE: 382€

Join Karttik Chandra dasa, a knowledgeable teacher from the UK, for a transformative 5-day course on the introduction of Sanskrit. This course will delve into the beauty and intricacies of the ancient language, giving participants a foundation in Sanskrit vocabulary and grammar. Through interactive lectures, group discussions, and practical exercises, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its connection to scripture. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from an experienced teacher and unlock the secrets of Sanskrit.

Course Summary

This 5-day Sanskrit introduction course offers students an immersive experience into the ancient language of Sanskrit. Throughout the course, participants will learn the foundational aspects of Sanskrit grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. By the end of the program, students will be able to read and write in Sanskrit.

Overall, this 5-day Sanskrit introduction course provides students with a solid foundation in the language, allowing them to continue their studies and exploration of Sanskrit in a deeper capacity.

5-day Schedule

to be disclosed


Karttik Chandra dasa
Karttik Chandra dasa

Karttika Candra Dasa was born and brought up in a traditional family of practising Vaisnavas whose Vaisnava roots go back at least fourteen generations. From a young age he received training in Srimad Bhagavatam, Vaisnava Vedanta and Panini Astadhyayi. Karttika Candra is a member of the steering committee of the School of Bhakti at Bhaktivedanta Manor and has taught several courses as a teacher at the School of Bhakti. His main interests are Srimad Bhagavatam and its commentaries, Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, the Gaudiya tradition in Vraja Mandala, Sanskrit aesthetics and prosody, and Paninian grammar. Karttika Candra is a disciple of H.H. Radhanatha Swami. Karttika Candra holds a traditional Sastri degree in Sanskrit as well as a B.Eng (Hons) and an Exec MBA degree.


Kirtan Course – CAMPUS

17 July @ 08:00 - 16 August @ 17:00

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